Barjols owes its nickname as the Tivoli of Provence to the many streams and sources in the area. Water is everywhere, and provided economic development to the town, but also its many washing places and fountains (one in each district). They were funded by the village notables, and the most famous of them is in Place de la Rouguière: the Raynouard fountain (its sponsor’s name).
This is the oldest district in Barjols, because it has been inhabited since the 12th century. It was completely restored in 1988. The district’s name may have two origins: either it comes from the château that once stood above the town (Réal = royal), or to the fact that water is everywhere (Réal = stream), which led to many windmills and tanneries being built.
This sculptured work was made by Jules Récubert in 1922 on an already existing fountain. The sculptor shows smiling soldiers setting off to war on one side of the fountain, and on the other, the men coming back, marked by the combats. Most of the characters portrayed are Barjolais citizens who died in the war.
The feast of Saint Marcel is a time for bravado, for the ox parade, fifes and drums. But Saint Marcel is also the occasion for a strange dance that takes place in the church, when believers and non-believers are asked by the village priest to hop about on the spot. This half-Christian, half-pagan celebration has its roots in the Middle Ages. You can hear the story of this tradition every year in the first weekend of January. You should also know there is a big feast of Saint Marcel (every four years, with the ox parade) and a smaller one.